Dirk Opalka

I come from a family of hunters and grew up with pets and wild animals. Already as a child I tried to express my enthusiasm for animals and nature with pencil, water and oil paints, to be captured in detail by carving or modeling. Later I made pictures with an airbrush gun. Before I became a taxidermist, I trained as a model maker for casting technology. One of my jobs was to make molds and cast models for engine manufacturing in the marine and automotive industries. I use this combination of artisanal and artistic skills to bring my fascination for nature and wildlife into harmony and form.

Since founding this business in 1994 I have been producing in the preparation studio 'Wildlife' in
Fuhlendorf (Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania) realistic animal taxidermy with the highest qualitative and aesthetic demands. Here I focus on the mammal preparation specialized in the preparation of sport horses
and reproduction of prehistoric animals.
Member of the association
VDP (Association of German Taxidermists)

Dirk Opalka, world champion
In 2008 I received the world championship title for the fox group at
the world championships in Salzburg
in the category "Animal Groups". The pair of foxes was also chosen as the overall winner in
the category"Best of Show".
This title is determined from among all world champion winners. The preparation is selected by secret ballot of all jurors. A total of 140 taxidermists with 500 exhibits from 25 countries participated in the world championship.
Wildlife preparations are characterized by the highest quality and complex work steps.
The result is a preparation with an impressive
naturalness and liveliness.
There are many differences in the processing techniques and quality of the manufacturing of animal preparations.
These factors have a lasting effect on appearance and longevity.
So that you get a more precise picture of my work and the individual steps, I would like to share with you a small part of my techniques and introduce you to the materials I use. This approach can be largely reduced to all mammal preparations made by me.

There are precisely worked out details and especially the small details for maximum realism and liveliness, I pay special attention to their precise elaboration.

First, the exact detailed elaboration of anatomy, muscles, folds, veins, facial expressions and many more small details lead to a convincing result.

The eye and the gaze of a specimen is a cornerstone of its
charisma, therefore I do not use standard eyes, but only the highest
quality glass - Acrylic and reflective eyes with white rims and aspherical, identical to natural eye shape and curvature. Depending on the animal species, the eye rims are modeled by me, colored and provided with a vein grinding. In addition, nicks are installed, the modeling of eye glands as well as the application of a twocomponent varnish wet effect painting.

Standard eyes and Aspheric eyes

Reflective eyes

without whisker alignment

For a natural overall appearance, the whiskers are removed from all large and small cats as well as other predatory mammals and realigned exactly.

Mit Ausnahme der Trophäen-Schädelbasis sind alle meine Säugetier-Präparate fett-, fleisch- und knochenfrei, sowie in Buchenmehl geläutert. Dadurch sind sie geruchsfrei, schwer staubbindend und weisen darüber hinaus eine optimale Fellstruktur und einen rückstandsfreien Haarglanz auf.
In order to protect the preparations against insect damage, Eulan is used during the tanning and in addition in the washing. This agent, which seals the skin and hair of the preparations, is non-toxic to humans.

Detailed ears with plastic liner or plastic filling, application of one multi-layer airbrush coloring, all visible inner ears with translucent vein painting.
The distortion-free and shrinkage-free special bonding of the skin is based on the most innovative aspects of taxidermy. To minimize a shrinking of small animals, reptiles, wig trophies and typical problem areas, a combined soaking or freeze drying process is used.

After extensive research, the species-specific anatomy and facial expressions.

Die Nasenspiegelstruktur verliert nach der Trocknung bis zu 70 Prozent an Tiefe. Um die natürliche Dreidimensionalität wiederherzustellen, wird je nach Situation entweder ein ganzer Nasenabguss eingesetzt oder eine Kunststoffaufstempelung von einem Originalabguss aufgebracht. Zusammen mit einer mehrschichtigen Airbrushfärbung, sowie verschiedenen Färb- und Wischtechniken, erhält die Nase ihre lebendige Tiefenwirkung zurück.
Bottom lip:
Detailliert ausgearbeitete Unterlippen mit Struckturaufstempelung aus Kunststoff und mehrschichtiger Färbung. Je nach Situation mit Zweikomponenten-Lack seidenmatt oder glossy.

Muzzle without plastic stamping

des Nasenspiegels vor der Kolorierung

Muzzle and lip after the final work

Nose casts and nasal stamps

Nature-identical deep nostrils. With all visible inner noses the nasal passages with nasal septum are worked out from behind and colored accordingly.

The uniqueness of my preparations is underlined because all dermoplastics are individual and can be manufactured and modified.
Plastic change lioness
Change head - shoulder - assembly fallow deer
For the production of convincing artificial stones and platform
rocks, casts are used which correspond
to the original with a realistic color scheme.


In compliance with the statutory species protection regulations
I offer the following services:
– Spezialisierung auf Präparation von Großwild und Kleinsäugern weltweit –
– Preparations for collections and museums -
– Reproductions of prehistoric animals -
– Planning and construction of museum facilities, dioramas and exhibitions -
I set your wishes in terms of artistic and scientific points of view.
Through the production of individual and detailed animal body shapes in combination with
precise detailed elaboration, I create natural-realistic preparations. Around every single one of them I also offer
a large selection of different types of pedestals.

Die Präparation von GALILEO wurde ebenso wie bei seinem Vater Sadler´s Wells langfristig im Voraus geplant. Die eigentliche Präparation selbst dauerte mit einigen Unterbrechungen schließlich drei Jahre.Auch hier ging es vor allem darum, mit einem Maximum an Perfektion alle gegenwärtig realisierbaren Techniken und Fertigkeiten in der Präparationskunst für die Erstellung dieses einmaligen Projektes ein- und umzusetzen. Mein höchster Anspruch war es, dem Kundenwunsch entsprechend, diese außergewöhnliche Kreatur -verjüngt, in seinen siegreichen Jahren und in Bestform agierend gebührend würdevoll in Szene zu setzen.Dabei lag die Herausforderung in der „Wieder-Belebung“ all seiner individuellen anatomischen Merkmale und Besonderheiten in Habitus und Mimik. Das Fell, welches durch seine Krankheit in einem kritischen Zustand war, wurde mit umfangreichen und dafür neu entwickelten Retuschiertechniken wieder in Höchstform gebracht. Das Ergebnis ist eine im Höchstmaß perfekte Tierpräparation – die gelungene Illusion des jungen GALILEO, dem legendären irischen Vollblut-Rennpferd.
210 Millionen Euro wert: Teuerstes Pferd aller Zeiten ist tot Ein Artikel aus dem Pferde.de Magazin
„Das Pferd Galileo galt als wertvollster Deckhengst aller Zeiten – nun ist er tot. Wie sein Zuchtstall Coolmore Stud mitteilte, musste der Hengst im Alter von 23 Jahren eingeschläfert werden. Grund dafür war eine chronische Verletzung am linken Vorderfuß.“RENNPFERD PRÄPARATION – SADLER’S WELLS

Sadler's Wells was an internationally successful thoroughbred racehorse that lived from 1981 to 2011. The multiple world champion also founded another breeding line as a stallion high class and successful racehorses. That is why the Irish stud Coolmore decided in 1998 to preserve the thoroughbred legend for posterity.
Since a preparation of this size requires a certain lead time, the stud has obtained several offers.
To get a detailed impression, I visited Coolmore. I measured the horse, and created an emergency plan with the immediate work steps after the death of the animal as well a detailed preparation concept.
I received the contract - on the premise that I would be no later than three days after the death of Sadler's Wells on site at the stud farm in Ireland to undertake the necessary preparatory work. The preparation of the 31 year old stallion was a highly technical challenge: Because it shouldn't just be a preparation with one hundred percent recognition value, but also an anatomically younger horse. I used a photo as a template, showing Sadler's Wells when he was eight years old. The whole preparation and preparation process was accompanied by those responsible at the stud and documented with photo and film recordings. After 15 months I had completed the job and exceeded all expectations.

Vorlage: Achtjährig


Depending on the customer's requirements, a head-and-shoulder assembly can be used as an offset (at an angle from the wall) Running approaches and elaborated armpits or as a pedestal (stand assembly) can be manufactured.

Offset assembly
(At an angle from the wall with a walking approach)

Standard design straight, left or right with barrel extensions and elaborate armpits

(Stand assemblies)
I had to completely re-prepare this brown bear. The hide was neither properly tanned nor thinly sliced. After removing this from the plastic, I cut the skin thin for the first time and tanned. Since it was very hard and inflexible due to a previous formaldehyde treatment, I then had to machine-grind the skin again. In addition, several work processes were necessary to get them even thinner and softer.
During the previous preparation, the plastic was improperly made and the excess skin cut off the legs. This skin was missing from the new preparation with the new dermoplasty. I was able to compensate for the error by sewing on missing leg and chest areas after dyeing a replacement skin. Thus the bear got its original dimensions back.
The jaw, tongue, nose and lips are made of translucent original casts and made with plastic stamps. This was followed by extensive retouching and color work.
This unhappy groomed buffalo of a customer has been redesigned.
For an optimal result, the animals must be delivered as fresh as possible or be frozen.
It is particularly important to note that the animals have to cool down while hanging freely before they are transported in a plastic bag or
frozen. Otherwise it is difficult for the heat to escape and the goods spoil quickly. Please first separate for head preparations
(Head-shoulder assembly) the carrier skin from behind the shoulder blades (no throttle and
mouth cut).
For further questions we are happy to help you.
You can have carrier skins sharpened by us on site by appointment.
Please inform me in advance if you would like to send your raw material. I would also like to ask you to only add raw materials at the beginning of the week to ship.
worldwide shipping

(Gravy zebra, takin, running bison, stag goat antelope running, mane sheep, sika deer, red - and arctic foxes, otters - nutria swimming, brooks with freshlings, various small mammals)
Mainz Museum
(Otter, arctic fox)
German Hunting and Fishing Museum Munich
Coburg Natural History Museum
(Somali wild ass, Siberian tiger, maned wolf,
dingo, forest dog, spoondog, gorse cat, other preparations)
Cultural History Museum Hamburg
Berlin Natural History Museum
(Red fox)
Upper Lusatia Biosphere Reserve
(Wolf, otter, various bird, fish and mammal specimens)
Brandenburg nature watch
(Otter beaver, various bird, fish and mammal specimens)
Rostock University
(Jaguar, tiger, sea eagle, various bird, fish and mammalian specimens)
Agency KOCMOC on behalf of VW - Werke Slovakia
(Brown bear)
State Forest Agency Mecklenburg Western Pomerania
(Animals of Germany, mammals, birds)
Barnim Nature Park
(Heck cattle bull)
Sanitz Hunting School
(Animals in Germany: large and small
mammals, head and shoulder mounts, birds)
Stralsund Maritime Museum
(Diorama: animals of the night, large and small mammals, birds, fish)
Natural History Museum Potsdam
(Fallow deer)
Natural History Museum Erfurt
(Red fox)
Natural History Museum Gotha
(Northern lynx)
COOLMORE Stud Ireland
(Racehorse Sadler's Wells)
Cabinet de Curiosités SA 1936 Verbier, Switzerland
Granitz hunting lodge
(Red deer and other preparations, extensive antler restorations)
District Hunting Association Rügen
(Animals in Germany: large and small mammals, birds)
Güstrow Nature Park
(Wolf with wild boar)
Hafner Hunting School, Sauldorf
(Animals of Europe: lynxes, otters, head and shoulder mounts, small mammal birds)
Eixen Hunting School
(Animals of Germany: beavers, otters, sea eagles)
Gut Grambow hunting school
(Animals in Germany: large and small
mammals, head and shoulder mounts, birds)
Stephan Möller Hunting School, Schwaan
(Animals in Germany: large and small
mammals, head and shoulder mounts, birds)
Dorfstraße 139 / 18356 Fuhlendorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 38231 41398
Our business hours
Preparation goods (please provide address and telephone number) can also in case of absence be deposited.
A deep freezer is available for you at the entrance.
Motorway A 24 - Dreieck Neustadt / Dosse A 19 towards Rostock - exit Rostock Ost - B105 Direction Ribnitz - Damgarten - about 8 km after Ribnitz-Damgarten turn left towards Barth.